Thursday, December 8, 2011

Finally, A 6 Month Update

I'm sure most of you have been wondering "what the heck is up with Greg these days?". Well, in a nutshell, it hasn't all been good.

After the diagnosis of Myoclonus in July, I started treatment and things seemed to be going ok. Then in the beginning of September, I started having heartburn that wouldn't go away. On September 18th, I was at work when it became unbearable. I went to Piedmont Hospital. I ended up having 3 angioplasties and a stent put in. I thought all would be fine but I was wrong. 3 days after being released, I was having pain again and alot of dizziness. Back to Piedmont. I was having clotting issues and the kept me on Warfin for 2 days. Once again, I felt better but not 100% yet I continued to work.
I've been walking to work because the meds make me feel "off" and I don't feel safe to drive. In addition, I've lost almost 30 pounds since September so I thought I was on the right track or so I thought.

Got to work December 5th and felt odd. Actually, I had been feeling that way for the previous 2 days but this time it was different. At about 1:30pm, the tingling and stabbing began. Once again I was off to Piedmont. More test revealed more problems. Long and short of it, had another two angioplasties and another stent put in. To top it all off, I go back in 6 weeks an have get yet another stent (they wanted to wait to see if this one would help correct the other and maybe avoid the other stent).  In addition, we're looking into the connection between the myoclonus and it's effects on other systems.

So, I continue the drug therapy and am starting the Mediterranean Diet to avoid further complications. 

Until later, I keep trudging along.

Interesting pics below-

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Finally proved them wrong!

Just thought I'd give an update on my situation. I saw the neurologist yesterday and had an EEG (electroencephalogram) which confirmed what I thought it was all along- myoclonus. It's a nervous system disorder that has 4 different levels. I'll be having some more testing to determine exactly which it is in order to treat it. 
 I was jerking all over when I arrived which was a good thing. It's like when you take your car to the mechanic because it's making a noise but when you get there it's as quiet as can be. So they hooked up all of the electrodes and started the test. Pretty simple at first but when they started the strobe light, I started flopping like a fish out of water. They increased the intensity of the strobe to the point that I almost flipped off the table. So, essentially it confirmed what I had said all along. On the downside, more DRUGS. They slow down the jerking but not completely. So , we'll see what happen from here. I'm due back at work on 8/23. Hopefully I'll be able to drive by then. I was thinking, with the new drugs, I might take The Contessa around the block this weekend. She hasn't had her legs stretched for quite some time- we'll see.
The disability insurance people are still fighting paying me saying there is not enough evidence for them to pay the claim. Hopefully this will show them that there is!

That's about it from here. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why hasn't Greg updated in almost 6 months?

Life challenges!

 After my last post in January, H-Pylori reared it's ugly self back to life. I guess we didn't kill it completely the first time around and I had to go through the 14 day treatment all over again- not fun. Then in February, the cellulitus reoccurred on the right side of my face. Another 10 day regimen of antibiotics followed to kill this bug.

 March 5th things got worse. I developed non-epileptic myoclonus (full body jerking) associated with my sleep apnea and severe anxiety attacks. More drugs (ugh) to control them yet now I'm pretty much a shut in because I don't know when they'll happen.
 I had a sleep study in April that showed my sleep apnea had become much worse. I had an appointment with my ENT mid-April and he found my turbinates had returned to their previous swollen state and were severely restricting my breathing. I had the reduction procedure 2 weeks later and can now breathe freely. However, I had to wait a month to heal before I could for the follow-up sleep study.
 I was able to make it to work up until last week when things got so bad I couldn't function. Driving is OUT! I can make it about a mile when the anxiety and jerking begin (had to have the car towed home once do to this).
 I'm been on medical leave since May 24th and will be on short term disability until August 23 to get these problems resolved. I'm hoping with the CPAP machine (keeps me breathing at night) that the other problems will correct themselves.

So, in a nut shell, that's why I haven't updated or spoken with anyone for quite some time. I dislike having to bore everyone with my issues and the inevitable sympathies that follow. I'm keeping a positive attitude and hoping for the best.

Life challenges will never cease.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The shelves were bare!

I hoofed it up to Publix in search of edibles. A normal 10 minute walk took about 25 with dodging all the ice. When I got there I found many things stripped bare. More proof of the panic mode Atlantans fall into when they hear the word ice!

Atlanta Ice Idiots

The street is completely frozen yet this idiot MUST get out. The guys pushed him and got him up the hill after which he slid down and hit a parked car (sorry no footage of that but I'm not that stupid to walk on ice to get the pics).